Monday, August 03, 2009

As I listen to the conversations about health care in the United States, I keep thinking about the Law of Totality, a divine, eternal principle I discuss in my forthcoming book, The Eleven Eternal Principles (being published by Crossing Press this November). The Law of Totality says that we are all one, that we cannot disassociate ourselves from the whole because we are spiritual beings comprised of energy. We are part of the universal field of energy. We cannot be separated from each other. Whatever we do affects others as well as ourselves, often in ways we can't observe.When people talk about changing our health care system, again and again I hear, “I don't want to lose my health insurance or my doctor.” In their fear, these people do not understand by perceiving themselves as disconnected from the whole, by looking only at their own circumstances and trying to shore up their own safety, they are creating exactly what they fear. We cannot fix health care as long as everyone is out for himself. The lobbyists and the insurance companies want their money. The politicians want money from the lobbyists but at the same time they want votes. And too many voters want what is best for them, not what's best for everyone. What people don't understand is this: What is best for everyone is best for you because you are part of “everyone.” The moment you start believing the illusion of your separateness, you start competing with others out of a sense of scarcity, and you create scarcity. We will all have the good health we desire and the health care we deserve when we let go of this idea that “I can be healthy, happy, and secure when others are not.” There is no security in clinging to the old way of doing things or in hoarding anything, whether it's money or access to physicians. Each of us must find the courage to evolve to a higher level of consciousness. Then we will see our beauty like the facet of a diamond, just one small part of a shining whole.Carmen Harra


thebluephotographer said...

Hi Carmen,
everythig You wrote is truth, hope that as many as possible read it too. Everything takes so much time here on Earth, and so even the ability of understanding vill not go faster
I don´t live in a US but I really hope that your president achive the goal of health care for every American. He is realy a pioneer on that field and it will probbably take a couple of decades...but he´s the one who started the energy and that´s the most important.....sadly his horoscope says that he won´t be old. It must be the calling of many of the souls who choose to come here and do great things. On the other hand the whole Universe is connected and what ever happens, happens for the best of each and everyone in the whole Univerese. That´s how I see it...but I still can´t figure it out what is the universe's purpose? Achieving the perfect state of "just be" for, I´´m still to stupid. I need probably ten more lives here...not funny.
My regards to You and all the best.

cristina said...
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cristina said...
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diana said...

Buna ziua, Carmen,

Va multumesc pentru cartea „Karma de fiecare zi“. Am citit-o intr-un moment delicat si dificil al vietii mele. Mi-a oferit raspunsuri la cateva intrabari despre mine insami (sunt nascuta pe 24 ianuarie 1969) si certitudini privitoare la minunata Lume Invizibila. este dificil sa pastrez un echilibru traind intre cele doua lumi... Un sfat din partea dvs. m-ar ajuta foarte mult.
Cu multumiri si dragoste,

Diana Rhea

jo said...

una ziua Dna Carmen,

Numele meu este Georgiana din Buzau-Romania.Data nasterii mele este 23.12.1986.V-as ruga sa imi interpretati pe scurt data nasterii si sa-mi spuneti actev ceva despre viitorul meu legat de cariera, sanatate si dragoste.
Adresa mea de e-mail este
Va multumesc mult si va doresc toate ceva bune

Unknown said...

Buna ziua Carmen,

"Everyday Karma" este pentru mine o carte revelatoare. Deja o citesc a doua oara si descopar noi sensuri si intelesuri... pe care nu le-am vazut prima data.
Iti multumesc!
