Friday, April 29, 2011

On The Marriage of Prince William and Kate
            Today’s the big day! Seems like every TV station’s focusing on the prim and proper royal décor, the tens of thousands in attendance, and the elegance of the new princess’ wedding dress (thank goodness she didn’t pick red!). This wedding looks out of this world in splendor and lavishness. But is anyone asking themselves the real question: will it last?
            Numerologically speaking, they certainly picked the right year to get married. Prince William’s a number 11 and Kate Middleton’s a number 3. His divine life code makes Prince William incredibly enlightened, evolved, grounded, and a natural born-leader. In fact, the majority of the world’s leaders and influential figures are a number 11: Jesus, Buddha, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Ronald Reagan, Al Gore, and Prince Charles all share the life code of 11! There’s a lot of interest in Prince William, especially being the son of Diana. He is meant to bring much enlightenment and evolution to others. William knows his role and would portray a king superbly. He will actually replace the Queen very soon! Kate, on the other hand, is on a different level of perception than William: as a number 3, she is charming, creative, sweet, and wise. She is capable of bringing much stability and the idea of a family into William’s life, so the combination is complimentary. William and Kate do love each other a lot and there’s an extreme compatibility between them. Theirs is a marriage founded on the right morals and I believe they will soon have a child, who will have a very interesting link to Princess Diana in terms of the day, month, and year she will be born. A bit further in the future, William and Kate will have a son, too.
But the royal house of England, unfortunately, has racked up its fair share of negative karma over the centuries: from Henry VIII’s notoriously promiscuous reign, to the lonely years of Queen Victoria after her husband’s premature death, to the tragic love scandal and death of Princess Diana, it seems that the members of the British monarchy cannot be used as examples of everlasting marriage. The ancient family karma which has been passed down from king to king or queen to queen will cause this marriage to last for five to twelve years. Neither of them will do anything “wrong” to cause the split, but there is tremendous pressure on and a negative family karma hovering over this marriage. Outside influences and energies might take this marriage, which is beautiful in essence, out of balance in the future. In addition, the world is undergoing so many major changes at the moment, and these will translate into marital burdens for the couple. I actually believe that Prince William will be the very last king of England and that, after him, the long succession of British monarchs will finally see its end.
            This is because humanity is destined to change its long-standing conventions in the near future. Institutions which have been around for hundreds or even thousands of years (the government, forms of leadership, banks, large companies, etc.) will all crumble in the coming years. Regarding the big changes to the royal house, Prince William will understand and accept them. And these changes are for our own good! Over hundreds of years, our views, opinions, and ways of doing things have all changed dramatically. Yet the institutions have all remained the same; there is something very wrong with that! It’s time we wipe out that which was established in antiquity and start on a clean slate, drawing on inspiration from not just the past, but the future. We are a race of incredible resilience, brimming every day with new ideas. We’re capable of achieving anything and everything! So why cling to the “old systems” so desperately? The OLD ways of the world are jaded in thought and, most importantly, simply don’t work for us anymore. So brace yourself: within the next decade, we’ll adopt the motto “out with the old and in with the new,” and everything happening in our world will reflect this mentality…including the system of the British monarchy.
            This is wonderful news for us all. Although it may seem overwhelming, we’re coming together to embrace the new patterns as a whole. And together, there is nothing we can’t do. Do you agree? Then you might want to check out my new book, Wholeliness: Embracing the Sacred Unity That Heals Our World, available everywhere books are sold. In it, I delve into the collapse of our current (old) system, the birth of a new world, the need for unity now more than ever, and, of course, I make quite a lot of exciting predictions for our future. And yes, this long list of predictions includes Prince William’s reign and the end of the British monarchy!
Check out Wholeliness here:
Much Love,
Dr. Carmen Harra

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Shaky World Politics Signal the Beginning of a New Era

    At the end of 2009, I predicted that 2010 would be a year of physical earthquakes. And I felt that earthquakes would continue throughout 2011, only not the kind you may be thinking: this year will be the year of earthquakes of the system, or “political earthquakes.”
    As I accurately predicted on Positively Incorrect! with Scott Cluthe and in Ring magazine in December of 2010, this year will begin with substantial turmoil of the political kind, including the collapse of multiple forms of government and the resignation of leaders from various parts of the world. What we see in Egypt right now is only the beginning of an ever-spreading epidemic of political eruptions. As an analogy, it took the Berlin wall to fall for communist countries to become freed from the regime. Today, we find ourselves in a similar do-or-die situation; this time in our history is the end of an era and the beginning of a new system. What we see may seem like chaos, and I can understand why our leaders are scared for the future. But there is neither a reason to be afraid, nor does fear bring about any good.
    On the contrary, we cannot step into a new world still clinging to the old ways of things. This is the time of change and reform, and what we have known for hundreds of years is no longer valid in our evolving world. The uprisings which we will continually witness are actually necessary in order to drive forth change: something must always pass through a stage of chaos in order to emerge as something new. All of this unrest is part of the process of change, real change, change in which people have the right to create a better life for themselves.
    It’s becoming evident that billions of people around the globe want to take matters into their own hands. People are becoming skeptics to their leaders standing at a podium, smiling and promising change and good things to come. They see that their leaders are not keeping their guarantees of a better tomorrow. Realistically speaking, our leaders cannot enact change if we do not participate in it and do our part.
    Opposing change, choosing to be in denial of it and insisting on keeping the old world order in place are not going to work any longer. Rather, this stubborn mentality will only deepen our problems. Throughout 2011, we will see institutions, forms of government, and the old ways “going out of business.” We will also see the beginning of an era of leaders who promote cooperation, unity and peace.
    It is becoming obvious through the actions of people all over the world that humanity has to come together as one. People know what they want, and they all want the same thing. They don't want dictatorships, they don't want the same form of government, and they don't want the same failing economic system and cruel injustices. Our world changes are coming sooner than we think, and we have to stop fighting them and start accepting them.
Love Always,
Dr. Carmen Harra