Thursday, January 13, 2011

People can learn to access compassion by applying many of the eternal principles to their own lives. For example, compassion is contingent to the Law of Love. One cannot have compassion unless he knows how to love without limits. Loving unconditionally heals our hatred and tendency to conflict with others and reminds us of our Divine nature. This also ties into the Law of Totality and the fact that all people are one and are united with the Divine. Compassion pours forth if you acknowledge your sacred bond to the other members of this Earth. Also, the Law of Harmony states that there is a Divine order in the universe, and that we must be in harmony with everyone and everything: we are meant to live in good relationships with all people living on this planet. This is a critical part of reaching common ground and not fighting against one another about "who's right and who's wrong." If we live in a combative manner because we think only we are right, in the end we will all be wrong. The moment we begin to fight among ourselves, we begin to create what is called negative karma; the Law of Karma is the number one law of spirituality and this is the almighty law we have to answer to anytime we kill, we accuse, we judge, we hate, we are proud, etc. But above all, there is nothing worse than being combative to the point of killing another human over opposing ideas, beliefs, etc. These overly-strong opinions about politics, these wrong reasons to wage war upon others, these superficial excuses to trigger emotions of hatred among us...these are distractions from life and the beauty that could be life. As one of my favorite quotes states: "When the Power of Love, overcomes the Love of Power, the world will know Peace."

The recent shooting in Tucson, AZ demonstrated just how conflicted and exaggerated we are when it comes to political views. The younger generation wants their voices to be heard, but some of them can come across too aggressively. I did my thesis on "Imposters in Adolescence," and I know that Jared Lee Loughner (the shooter) is still of an age where doesn't yet understand the consequences of his actions. I believe he had big problems with people in his family, his mother and father especially. I sense that he felt misunderstood by and alienated from his family. He therefore lashed out in violence. Kids born between 1984 to 1996 have tendencies towards very destructive behaviour. In the last 12 years, from 1999 up to now, we have seen a seeming surge in episodes of sheer violence catapulted by adolescents. If were to compile a statistic on their birth dates, we would interestingly see that these victims of self-destruction were born between 1984 to 1996. The astrological explanation is that the destructive planet, Pluto, reigned in the house of Scorpio during these 12 years.
  Carmen Harra Ph.D.


ioana812 said...

Nu vreau sa par egoista facind acest comentariu in limba romana, dar nu-mi iau nici riscul de a incalca toate regulile gramaticii limbii engleze pe care o stapinesc mai bine vorbita decit scrisa.
Va admir extraordinara forta cu care faceti fata timpurilor prezente, energia pe care nici nu stiu de unde o mai gasiti, grija fata de semeni si Mama-Pamint.
Vreau sa va impartasesc ceva:de mica va urmaream la televizor,si eram atrasa dar in acelasi timp simteam respingere fata de imaginea dumneavoastra.Prin contrast, le eclipsati clar pe celelalte doua cinterete din trupa dumneavoastra.Chipul foarte luminos si stralucitor, parul de abanos , sprincenele foarte arcuite si sclipirea ochilor contrastind cu un zimbet larg, ma atrageau si in acelasi timp eram infricosata pentru ca in mintea mea de copila credeam ca sunteti vrajitoare.Atunci nu intelegeam, dar azi stiu ca ceea ce va facea atit de diferita, era vibratia crescuta a corpului dumneavoastra, aura luminoasa si atingerea ingerilor...Imi cer iertare pentru gindurile colpilaresti,dar va iubesc nespus pentru reaparitia in viata mea sub aceasta intelegere a omului matur.
Intr-un tirziu am inteles ''limba'' pe care o vorbiti si dumneavoastra si multi alti oameni dragi,primesc cu bucurie si placere sfaturile si invataturile si ale dumneavaoastra si ale lor, si caut adinc in mine sa gasesc Fiinta pe care Dumnezeu a lasat-o acolo ca amprenta a Sa.Sunt nascuta sub semnul cifrei 8, o cifra care are legatura cu Karma, pot spune ca se si aplica in ce ma priveste, dar dincolo de toate sunt fericita sa adaug si gindurile mele colectiei universale de ginduri, in efortul comun de a aduce schimbarea cit mai curind in vietile tuturor.
Este usor , simplu si de la sine sa lasam macar o mingiere unei flori, o atingere unui strop de ploaie, un pas descult prin iarba si sa le rugam sa duca Mamei Pamint si in- tregului Univers dragostea Divina din noi.Fiecare din noi poate face asta, poate arunca un zimbet catre soare, o privire tainica lunii, o dorinta acunsa catre stele...
Pare atit de putin , dar conteaza atit de mult!Sa nu uitam ca apele mici fac riul mare, sa avem incredere si cu bucurie sa depasim acest timp al Karmei, catre viata noua care ne asteapta, crezind in ingerii de dupa voal ce ne vegheaza in fiecare clipa.Uniti suntem atit de puternici cit sa recreem planeta in Lumina si Iubire.

ioana812 said...
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